Friday, July 19, 2024

Zambia Thursday - Bus from Lusaka to Livingstone - Ulrika

Mwachoma bwanji (Good evening greeting)  
Ndachoma bwino (Evening response)

The above phrases in Nyanja are useful in this part of Zambia.  Pastor Ibrahim introduces u to few phrases as we go.

Today we rose early and took the 7am bus to Livingstone.  It is about an 8-9 hour trip, and we made good time, arriving just after 3pm.  

It was exciting to see the landscape slowly change from red savanna to more green and gold slightly rolling hills and many more trees.  We saw baobab trees and more cattle, goats, and working dogs.

Once we arrived at our hostel we were delighted to learn that dinner is included for tonight.  It was a vegetable pasta dish that was a new experience for some in our group, and I am quite proud that everyone gave it a try, even if they usually don't care for that type of food.  

I feel like this hostel is quite a treat as it has very nice, clean setup, and it fosters a very friendly atmosphere.  It is helping us to rest up and prepare for the next days of teaching.  Tomorrow will likely be a half day as schools here let out early on Fridays.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, especially for the children and families that we encounter.  We pray that they grow in faith and knowledge of God's Love.

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