Friday, July 19, 2024

Visiting Christians and making connections - Sam Radermacher

(Note: this was meant to be posted on Wednesday, but we've had slow internet since).

One of the greatest blessings (along with teaching all the wonderful kids, of course) is having the chance to meet with the local members at the churches here in Africa. We have already met so many wonderful Christians who remain unwavering and dedicated in their mission to serve Christ. It is truly a blessing to make these once-in-a-lifetime connections that will last beyond this life, into eternity in heaven.

We were invited to the home of Pastor Samson Otieno, who continues to faithfully serve his congregation despite many earthly setbacks. As his physical eyesight and youth have faded, his zeal for the Gospel remains as strong as ever. I am reminded of Job's words of confidence that, at the last day, our very bodies shall be made new and we will see God "with our OWN eyes," and not the eyes of some other body. Oh "how my heart yearns within me!" Pastor Samson finished our visit by singing some beautiful Swahili hymns for us, leaving us all encouraged and thankful for our uplifting visit. 

We also had the pleasure of visiting the home of Mama Anna Segala. She gave us a tour of her farm and garden, and we learned the inspiring story of how the Lutheran church in Mois Bridge began about 15 years ago. Anna had been visiting her son in Phoenix, AZ when she decided to attend Holy Cross Lutheran Church, looking for a welcoming, confessional group of Christians who preached God's Word faithfully. She brought that saving Word back home to Kenya where the rest is history. Just looking around at the congregation and facilities, it is obvious how the LORD has worked through her and her family to further the work of the kingdom these past years. 

As we make our way into Uganda, please keep us in your prayers! We are so thankful for the wonderful fellowship we have, both back home and abroad, as we carry out the work of our Savior, Jesus!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭19‬.

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