Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Transit to Arusha, Tanzania - Jeff

Getting back into the rhythm of daily blogging may take a bit.  Yesterday was a good travel day and another 8-hour flight from Amsterdam to Kilimanjaro Airport. From there it was a short drive to Arusha.  Some simple items to enjoy along the way are in photos and videos. The weather has been great.  Both in Amsterdam, image one, and in Arusha.  Part of the fun of travel is trying the local food, nothing like fresh baked goods and coffee in Europe.  I also like to pick out the entertaining extras.  I thought the clock man in Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) was a unique way to show time.  The video does that all day and looks like a live change every minute. 

Having not traveled over some of the areas before, I also wanted to see the difference in terrain.  The short video was over the Netherlands and was in stark contrast to the image of the Nile.  Where the irrigation ends the desert begins.  It was the first flight I’ve been on where the flight map had interactive learning while in flight.

Once in Arusha, I was so thankful not only for the amazing weather in the evening.  No bugs, 70 degrees, and light rain, which is my favorite kind of sleeping weather.  Needless to say.  I had a great night's sleep.  I’m looking forward to today’s trip to the seminary to prep lesson plans for the coming weeks.

I did read most of the book ”The Men We Need”.  There are so many notes that, at this time, I need to finish before processing and summarizing.  It just speaks to the blessing of having the focus time on these trips. 

I am not sure if questions will come through in the comments on the blog. Feel free to reach out with any as well.  I apologize ahead of time that, as an engineer, it goes without saying that I can’t spell and my English is less than stellar.  Sorry Prof Koch!

Off to enjoy the day.

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