Thursday, July 18, 2024

From Gary Peters in TZ

          After 9 days in Tanzania, one of my biggest impressions is the joy of worshipping with other believers. I don't know their language but we know the same savior Jesus. They gather to hear God's word just like we do. They sing and pray to our God.            
            Another big impression is how much people here live outside: walking, cooking, talking, shopping, playing. Many houses and shops have open doors. The people are about and are looking at each other, not at a phone. They are mostly friendly and trusting. That's very refreshing. 
         There are many children and they are attentive and obedient most of the time. You can see a four year old child unattended but they are being watched by the neighborhood and they are safe. 
           I come here from half a world away.  But Jesus loves these people and sends us to bring good news. All have sinned, but Jesus died for all. They have the same needs, worries, and emotions as me. Jesus helps us connect deeper than words or cultures, a communion of saints made into one family in Jesus. What a gift to experience that.

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