Friday, July 19, 2024

First Day Teaching in Livingstone - Noah

Greetings once again from Zambia!
After a travel day from Lusaka to Livingstone yesterday, we started our teaching today. Happy Dollies was the first school we taught at with 30 kids in attendance. We then walked over to Eliflo Pre and Primary school where we were able to teach 110 children. We then hurried over to Simjemma school to teach the 100 children there at 11 am since the children only have a half day on Fridays.
The children were all very active today and answered our questions well. All of us are getting quite comfortable with our lessons as we have taught them just short of 25 times now. We found that we have taught just shy of 1500 children, with a few days a teaching to go. The fields are ripe for harvest. Praise be to God!

We are staying at Jollyboys Backpackers here in town. It's a very nice place with a pool, (Fletcher and I have made use of it, we have been the only ones brave enough to dare go into the water) and a "conversation-pit". Our rooms are little A-frame thatched cabins with two beds. They are pretty cute and let good airflow throughout the night.

In Christ,
Noah Sydow

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Noah!! Love reading on how you all are doing!!! God loves his little children!!🙏🙏🥰🥰


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