Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Team Has Arrived in Tanzania - Jeff

It was a great day as the rest of our team arrived.   It started with finishing up The Men We Need book.  I  highly recommend the read and am looking forward to being able to discuss it more at Man Up.  It has been a lot of fun spending time with the Naumanns and getting to know them better. We are blessed to have willing hearts to do the Lord’s mission work. 

As the team arrived we enjoyed settling in and getting caught up on everyone’s journey to Tanzania.  A few of us did a short drive and hike to a local waterfall further up in the mountains.  Attached are some images and video.  I even got to go on a short run to a local lake.  It was great to interact with many along the road.  We are all very excited to start our lessons this week.  I was also personally excited to start using Duolingo to begin my learning of  Swahili.  Such a great day, which ended with some games and a few hours of final prep for our lessons. 

We have enjoyed reading the updates of the other teams in other countries during this trip as well.  It is such a blessing to hear how everyone is doing.  May the Lord bless your labors.  

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