Thursday, July 11, 2024

Zambia Team Checking In...

Our Lord was faithful again in answering the many prayers of His people offered on behalf of His 2024 CLC Mission Helpers! 

After a long layover in Doha and a 7hr flight to Lusaka, the Zambia team (Ulrika Speckman, Lauren Gurgel, Fletcher Hughes, Noah Sydow, Tom Naumann, and Todd Ohlmann) was the last to arrive safely at their destination around 9:00 am Wednesday morning. After some negotiations with the Zambian customs department over the 2000 toothbrushes and cross necklaces we brought as gifts for the children, we were  greeted by Pastor Ibrahim and our local driver William. 

We spent the day exchanging money, getting some lunch, catching up on some much needed rest, and eating a traditional Zambian evening meal with Ibrahim and William. 

We ended the day early with prayers for the days ahead, those we go to teach, and our families back home. We also considered a brief devotion on Psalm 98:1 thinking about the marvelous things that our Savior has done to make us His redeemed children and looking forward to the next few weeks of His marvelous faithfulness in blessings the teaching of His saving word!

It's early Thursday (7/11) morning. We'll head to the bus station in a few hours. The 8-9 hour bus ride will take us from Lusaka to Kitwe in the Copperbelt province near the DR Congo border where we'll have the privilege of spending the next few days there teaching about 750 children!

Everyone is excited to be here and ready to start teaching!

Your prayers are requested and much appreciated!

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