Sunday, July 7, 2024

Transit in Amsterdam - Jeff

Having arrived in Amsterdam now, I have had the back half of the day as I wait for tomorrow’s flight to Arusha.  Thankfully, I was able to complete the last of the items I needed to from life at home.  Now I can fully focus on the trip in front of me.  It’s one of the big blessings of making trips like this.  Once you get into the trip itself, you get the time and space to study.  Before I left, I was asked to present at the Man Up conference this fall.  The theme of the conference is based on the book “The Men We Need”, by Brant Hansen.  I’m looking forward to plowing through it on tomorrow’s 8.5-hour flight and preparing my notes along the way.  Should be fun.  I am also looking forward to digging into the lessons more over the next 48 hours in preparation for our teaching in the coming weeks.


Side travel tip: Having traveled to several countries for work and fun over the years it is helpful when you get on the plane to immediately start acting like you are in the time zone you will end up in.  Meaning when the flight left Minneapolis at 9:30 PM I immediately went to bed and tried to sleep on the entire flight so that when I arrived in Amsterdam I was able to stay up the rest of the day.  That way I could go to bed at the normal time I do at home in the new time zone.  It has helped me a lot in adjusting faster to jet lag.  Usually when I do this even an 8-hour time gap can take only a few days to fully adjust to. 


I’m excited for tomorrow’s trip out.  It’s been since 2006 since I was in Africa last.  Can’t wait!



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