Saturday, July 6, 2024

Getting Ready to Fly Out - Jeff

Bags are pack and I’m ready to go.  I’m taking the opportunity to practice my first blog for this trip.  I head out on the first leg of the flight tonight from MSP to Amsterdam.  While I have been to East Africa, this is my first time to Tanzania. I’m looking forward to seeing the Naumann’s, the seminary, and the congregations in Tanzania.  It’s a tremendous blessing to be able to participate.  I’m sure my feelings are the same as the rest of us traveling, there are so many things to be thankful for.  The families that support us being away for 3 weeks (Thank you Sarah), the work we are able to step away from (Thank you TNS team), the prayers of so many for this trip, and the gracious gift of the Lord for putting things together to be able to serve.   I know how much I am looking forward to this trip.  Having the time and space to spend in the Word is going to be awesome and refreshing.  It reminds me of all the Man-Up weekends, Youth Conferences, Delegate Conferences, Conventions or any other time I have gotten to focus and be immersed in God’s Word.  I’ve also appreciated having the opportunity to talk to others about what we are doing and encouraging my family and friends to come on the next trip with me.  Looking forward to sharing updates as we go. 


"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17, NIV



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