Sunday, July 14, 2024

Tanzania Team - Second Teaching Day - Jeff

It was a truly blessed day to be able to travel up to the Maasai tribes in the hill country outside Monduli.  It took a few hours to drive from main freeways to country roads to 4-wheel drive hill roads.  There are several Maasai congregations in Tanzania.  They are very faithful to their Bible study and ensure they follow God's will.  They make their livelihoods between farming and herding.  They were so warm and caring.  I was even blessed to be able to participate in one of their dances.  It was a lot of fun. 

After staying with them for the afternoon we made the trip back and set up for the night.  It was another great day that ended with a few games of cards.  I have enjoyed the work and getting to know my fellow laborers better as well.

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