Saturday, July 13, 2024

Lutheran Seminar in Zambia - Noah Sydow

Greetings from Kitwe, Zambia.
Today we had the wonderful opportunity to attend a Lutheran seminar that Pastor Ohlmann and Pastor Tom Naumann held at the Cornerstone Pentecostal Church. They had reached out hoping to learn more about Lutheran doctrine. When we arrived they sat us up at the front of the church and sang us a song. When the seminar started, Lauren, Ulrika, Fletcher, I took the 55 kids outside to teach our lessons. We had a great time with the children and Pastor Lawrence's daughters served as our translators as most of the children only spoke Bemba.
After teaching we were able to attend the rest of seminar which stressed the main principles of Lutheran theology. Afterwards the woman enjoyed taking photos of Fletcher and I with their babies, and we were served a meal of rice and chicken. After the meal we were able to play with the children for a while, I attempted to pass the soccer ball around with a few of the kids and I don't think I looked like a complete fool so that was a win.
We headed back to our lodging and got some pizza from dinner for a little taste of home. We ended the night with a devotion on Peter and the catch of many fish and how we follow the Lord at His word and not our own.
May God bless all that attended the seminar today, and cause them to want to enter our fellowship if that is His will.

In Christ,
Noah Sydow

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