Monday, July 15, 2024

Kitale, Kenya (Saturday) - Elinor Gbedey

On Saturday we gave our presentation in a public school room rented by St. Peter's CLC church in Kitale, Kenya. Although it was Saturday, Pastor Calvin Afeti did a complete church service including more than 10 Swahili hymns and a multitude of readings and prayers, and a sermon. After the service, everyone greeted everyone else forming a circle. There were 26 of us including the minister, readers, the 5 of us from the MHT, and a visiting family.

The situation reminded me of our Greenville, SC outreach: no physical church, no signage, difficulties for people to find the location, and yet joy in hearing the Law and Gospel and edification from the fellowship. 

Please pray for both small groups trusting that "where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am in the midst of them."

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