Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Zambia Sunday in Livingstone - Ulrika

This Sunday we spent the morning at church.  Pastor Ibrahim's service at the CLC church in Livingstone, Zambia, included hymns, Bible readings, and a  sermon from Pastor Tom.  We had many things to thank God for and spent some time thanking Him for our fruitful time here in Zambia. We also made some more requests for the current congregation, the children, and the other people that we met and who heard God's Word through our gatherings.  

We enjoyed fellowship after church, having met many of the children on Saturday.  There are too many great photos and moments to post and recount them all, but let it suffice to say that it was a beautiful and rejuvenating morning.

After returning to the hostel we rested before enjoying an evening meal out at team favourite, the Hungry Lion 🦁 .  For those who are not familiar with the Hungry Lion chain, it is sort of like KFC, with variants of fried chicken as the basis for various fast food meals.  The coating on the chicken is not very thick or greasy, and it is all quite affordable.  We have eaten there a few times on this trip in different locations and the consistency is quite good. It is a winner for this team.  

Thank you all for your ongoing prayers as we near the end of this trip.  The CLC locations/partners and church members in Zambia all need prayers; each for their own reasons, but all to better serve the Lord.

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