Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Teaching in Lusaka - Fletcher

Greetings from Lusaka, Zambia 

We started the day at 9am with breakfast. We then rode in a van to the first of three schools. Our first stop was Ecole school. We taught 24 kids there. We had victor a friend of pastor Ibrahim translate into nyanja for the kids. The kids all enjoyed their tooth brushes and necklaces but Noah was the star of the show giving out hot wheels cars to each kid. Our second stop was at prabi We taught in two different classrooms to a total of 121 kids. Our final stop of the day was at pekmar. We taught a total of 191 kids in 5 different classrooms. In total we taught 336 kids today! Afterwards we took a van to Lusaka's craft market and got to see all the beautiful trinkets for sale. Our van then dropped us off at the mall where we got dinner at the Hungary lion. We then walked back to the backpackers lodge and ended the night with a devotion on jesus healing the centurions servant. 

In Christ, 
Fletcher Hughes

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