Thursday, July 25, 2024
Tanzania Thursday - Jeff
July 23rd Zambia- Lauren
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Last Day -Tanzania - Amy
Tanzania Wednesday - Jeff
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Tanzania July 22&23 - Nicole
Tanzania Tuesday- Jeff
Tanzania Monday - Jeff
Zambia Sunday in Livingstone - Ulrika
Monday, July 22, 2024
Teaching at clc Zambia and visiting Victoria falls Saturday - Fletcher
Tanzania Sunday - Jeff
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Iganga, Uganda -Kaylee Koenig
We spent a nice couple of days in Iganga with Pastor Daniel and his congregation. A group, from the church, came with us to all the schools we taught there. We were able to get to know them better and all of us sitting up front were able to hear the boys in the back being loud, as usual, which gave us some good laughs. We all had a lot of fun and were very thankful for the amount of time we were able to spend with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but we all wish the time wasn't so short.
Saturday morning we were able to visit the source of the Nile in Jinja, Uganda. We went on a boat tour which was in a wooden boat very close to the water. When we would hit the waves, I would always think the water would come in and flood the boat because of how close we were. The boat tour took us to see the point that they say is the start of the Nile. We were able to see lots of birds and one very big lizard. After the tour, we were able to do some souvenir shopping at the shops there and also back in the city before heading back to Iganga.
When we got back to Iganga, we stopped at the orphanage that is run by Pastor Daniel and his wife. We were given a tour and the children sang us a song. I am so glad that Pastor Daniel and his wife were able to create that place for the kids to call their home and I know they are all thankful to be there as well.
Sunday morning we were able to attend a short service in Iganga before leaving. They welcomed us with their singing. Pastor Daniel thanked us for coming and Pastor Gurath did the sermon. We all were able to thank the congregation for having us and then said our goodbyes.
Only a couple days left before we head back to the US. We are going back to Kenya tomorrow evening and start our journey back to Nairobi before our flight Thursday night. We will be arriving back in the States Friday afternoon where we all will be going our separate ways. I thank God everyday that I am able to go on these trips to meet our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa and share the good news with them. I hope this is not my last trip. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we travel these next couple of days and finish up.
"And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15 NKJV
Adventures in Uganda - Sam Radermacher
Yes, Team Kenya/Uganda is, in fact, still alive. Due to slow internet since we've entered Uganda, our blog posts have been rather limited. That being said, there are so many stories to tell!
The largest difference I've noticed between Kenya and Uganda is how much more densely populated Uganda is, while back in Kenya, things seemed more spread out overall. They no longer speak Swahili very much here, but have two local dialects (besides English).
Upon first arriving, we quickly met up with Pastor Daniel, who has since been traveling with us to all the schools and churches in the Iganga area. We typically have been teaching at 2-3 schools per day, with anywhere from 50 to about 100 children each. At one particular public school, Pastor Gurath estimates that our lessons reached the ears of over 500 children at once!
Several of the adult and young men and women from Pastor Daniel's congregation, Grace Harvest Church, rode with us to assist translating, and to simply hear the Gospel message again and again. It has been such a joy to get to know them, we've shared many laughs and memories in our short days together. Whenever we'd hit a large bump or pothole in the road while driving, a young man named Brian would promptly say, "We are in Uganda now!"
Our sightseeing day (Saturday) took us on a riverboat cruise on Lake Victoria all the way down to the source of the Nile River. Elinor and Catherine in particular enjoyed seeing all the exotic birds on the river bank, while Kaylee was fascinated by a big lizard swimming in the water.
We also had the opportunity to visit the orphanage run by Pastor Daniel and his wife. This visit deserves a blog post to itself. The children sang a beautiful song for us and gave us a tour. One of the boys even made an amazingly accurate scale model of the facilities. It was so humbling to see how the LORD has used Daniel's family and the support from the CLC's Kinship program to provide such a sustainable home for all those sweet, orphaned children.
It was tough to say goodbye to everyone as we make our way back to Kenya tomorrow evening (after teaching one more time in Uganda). We are so thankful to our gracious LORD who has given us this time here, and we pray that He continue to bless and keep the Ugandan Christians safe, healthy, and faithful. Until next time!
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Tanzania Saturday - Jeff
Busy Day - Tanzania
Tanzania Friday - Jeff
What a blessing to be able to teach the Word of God! We had our first session at an orphanage near the seminary outside of Arusha. The o...
The 2024 Mission Helpers to East Africa are counting down the days until their July 8th departure. The trip will provide the 2024 Volunteer...
Perhaps the highlight of the trip so far was Sunday’s divine worship service at the CLC-Zambia church in Kitwe. There are two CLC churches i...