Saturday, June 29, 2024

Getting Ready to Go Spread the Good News in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia...

The 2024 Mission Helpers to East Africa are counting down the days until their July 8th departure.

The trip will provide the  2024 Volunteers the opportunity and privilege of proclaiming the truths of God's saving word to an estimated 6,000 children. Some of these children will be members of CLC-affiliated congregations and preaching stations, but most of them will not. For many, this will be the first time they have heard a clear and Biblical presentation of the Good News of Jesus Christ as the One who died and rose from the dead for their sins!

The theme for our Child Evangelism is "Get to Know the Real Jesus" with lessons that will teach the truths of Scripture that reveal Jesus as True God, True Man, The Savior, and the Messiah Who is the Savior for All! 

The Mission Helpers will divide into three teams with one team going to Kenya and Uganda, one team to Tanzania to work with Missionary and Paula Naumann, and the final team going to Zambia.

Please pray that the Lord would grant an abundance of wisdom, love, humility, compassion, patience, joy, and safety for the Mission Helpers, their hosts, and those they go to serve. Pray for the pastors and church leaders who have spent much time and effort preparing for the Mission Helper's arrival and child evangelism program.

Feel free to share this blog with friends and relatives who would like to follow along:

Friday, June 28, 2024

Prepping for lessons

I've prepped for 55 years of teaching algebra, but that doesn't seem to help me prepare to teach about Jesus the Savior to an unknown audience of Kenyan and Ugandan children. Please join me in prayers for my lessons and for safe travels.

Elinor Gbedey

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